

As I was sipping coffee on my back patio one early summer afternoon, I felt like the Holy Spirit spoke to me about sharing parts of my life and thoughts that crossed my mind.  I wasn’t sure of the details at that time, but I have always loved writing and journaling and have been much better at written communication.  I struggled with a few hesitations at first – Why will anyone want to hear what I have to say?  And do I really want to be this vulnerable and put myself out there like this?  But right away, God placed a sense of peace and confidence within my spirit to begin moving forward.  I began a list of possible topics and thoughts to share.  Some funny and lighthearted; others a little more serious…but all coming from my heart, my life experiences and what God “downloads” to my spirit.  After years of delays caused by my own disobedience, the struggles of certain seasons of life and just the time it takes to actually LEARN how to create a website and blog (whew – it was complicated), I am finally pressing “Publish” on this little project!

I don’t have one specific focus or concentration for this blog other than what God puts on my heart to share.  My hope is that what I do share is an encouragement to you, is relatable to your own life experiences and helps you feel less alone.  I’m also excited to connect with people through these posts and to create an authentic and supportive community.  If you’d like to know a little more about me, take a look at my “About” page. Otherwise, thanks for being here and walking alongside me in this new adventure!

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